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常滑焼の甕(かめ)で味噌を仕込む会/Miso making in Tokoname crock (November 26 Sun)

『常滑焼の甕(かめ)で味噌を仕込む会 / Miso making in a special TOKONAME crock』(Scroll down for English) この秋、オランダに常滑焼の甕がやってくる。従来の印象とは打って変わった装いで。 日本六古窯の一つである常滑焼の、900年続くその伝統技術と素材の良さを生かし、更新し、継承していく。そんな思いから、山源陶苑の鯉江さんが発動したTOKONAMEプロジェクト。 その一環から、これまでとは一味違う、今だから使いたい、使いやすい、より時代と暮らしに寄り添った、この新しい甕のデザインが生まれました。 今年の初め、その甕で仕込んだ味噌は、春を迎えて夏を越え、秋に入って味も旨みものって、我が家で大変美味しく頂いています。 この甕で、みなさんにも是非お味噌やお漬物を作ってみてほしい。 そんな願いが日本のテーブル&キッチンウェアを取り扱うTakumi Craftworks さんのおかげで、とうとう叶うことになりました。 来る11月26日、この甕にお味噌を仕込んで頂き、そのままお持ち帰り頂くというワークショップを開きます。 いつもの味噌講座と同じくお味噌の種類や文化、作り方についての座学に加え、今回はこの甕で仕込める味噌、お漬物など日本特有の醸造文化が誇る発酵食、保存食、常備食について学んで頂きます。 オーガニックの大豆とMalicafe Organic Vegan Foodが作る新鮮生米糀、そして今回は特別にお味噌を覆うための内蓋に、 紙漉思考室 さん ( がお作りになられているトロロアオイでできた和紙をお使い頂けます。九州で、楮、良質の水、そして保存料を使用していない生のトロロアオイの根で漉いたとても貴重な紙です。 口に入れても問題ない、安心安全な材料でお味噌づくりをし、今この時代にしか出会えない常滑焼の甕に仕込んでみませんか? 仕込んで頂くお味噌は 3リットルほど。 新鮮に材料を用意させて頂くため、今回ご参加頂ける人数枠が大変少なくなっております。お早めに、 までお申込みください。 日時:11月26日14時~16時半 開催場所:マリカフェ in アムステルダム 参加費:140ユーロ(材料、常滑の甕すべて込み) ***************************************************************** (English) For all who value the Japanese tradition and artistry, read further on. We are hosting a special workshop in collaboration with Yamagen Toen (TOKONAME and Takumi Craftworks ( on 25th of November. To be short: we will make Miso in a special Tokoname crock that officially travel to Netherlands for the first time. We are inviting Yuji Koie, a ceramic potter and a head of Yamagen Toen from Japan to show case this reborn Tokoname crock. Tokoname ware is one of Six Ancient Kilns in Japan, produced in and around Tokoname, Aichi prefecture. At Yamagen Toen, together with staff Yuji produces modern table ware from the local material that has been used for Tokoname pottery, applying the traditional methods. Only the design was updated in order to make the crock better fit the lifestyle today. His aim is to rejuvenate this local ceramic culture by bringing the old to contemporary, and this crock is one of his scope next to the other tea cups and pots in his TOKONAME project. In this workshop, you will be guided through Japanese traditional ferments such as Miso, Tsukemono pickles and many more that has been the essential part of rustic life in Japan for generation. At the beginning of this year, I made my Miso in this crock and it turned just so fantastic. In fact many other pickles can be made in this, which you will learn in the lesson this time. On 26th of November, you will be guided through everything you need to know about Miso by Japanese fermentation master Marika, and get to know the quality of Tokoname crock from Takumi Craftworks and Yamagen Toen. What you expect at least: - Making Miso in this exclusive TOKONAME crock - 3 liter of Miso from organic soybeans and fresh Nama Koji that Malicafe prepares - Special Japanese Washi paper to cover your Miso. The paper is made of the root of Tororo Aoi (Abelmoschus manihot), Kōzo plant (Broussonetia papyrifera, paper mulberry tree) and clear water. It's made without perservetatives by 紙漉思考室 Kamisuki Shikoshitsu ( As the prep of ingredients are a lot, the maximum number of attendee is limited (Max 5). Please send your email to if you don’t want to miss this chance. Date: November 26 14:00-16:30 Venu: Malicafe Organic Vegan Food Fee: 140E inclusive all ingredients and Tokoname crock <Collaborators> Yamagen Toen “Yamagen Toen” is a one of the “Tokoname-yaki“ kiln. They produce fabulous tableware including the beautiful new tea ware brand TOKONAME. Their classic kyusu tea pot series has a universal beauty and practical efficient design. If you are interested in their products, please contact me. Takumi Craftworks We select and import real authentic Japanse craftmanship products. Products that are handcrafted in Japan and are the result of many years of experience and artistic inspiration of Japanese artisans. Resulting in beautiful and practical products suitable for day to day use. 紙漉思考室

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